Anna's personal story

Anna's personal story

Anna, a mother of two small children, faced a difficult period of insomnia after the birth of her second child. The nights were long and filled with anxious thoughts about the future and taking care of her children. She tried various solutions, including meditation and relaxing music, but was unable to find a real solution to her problem.
While visiting a friend, Anna came across a i-found breathing doll. The company explained how the doll helps her relax before bed and deal with everyday stresses. Anna decided to try it herself and ordered a similar doll.
After a few weeks of use, Anna began to feel a significant change. The doll became an integral part of her nightly routine, and the simulated breathing and soothing LED lighting helped her relax and get into a calm mood before bed. With the help of the doll, Anna was able to sleep better and wake up in the morning with a feeling of freshness and renewed energy.
Why dolls like i-found are good for sleep and the solution they give to people with sleep problems
Breathing dolls like the ones offered by i-found offer many benefits for improving sleep, especially for people dealing with sleep problems such as insomnia or anxiety. Here are some of the ways in which these dolls contribute to quality and more restful sleep:
Creating a sleep routine
Breathing dolls can help create a regular and relaxing sleep routine. Using dolls during bedtime preparations, such as dressing them in night clothes and putting them to bed, helps children and adults develop better sleeping habits. A regular sleep routine helps reduce stress and anxiety levels, and prepares the body and brain for a transition to restful sleep (ergoPouch) (Mother & Baby).
Reducing anxiety and a sense of security
Breathing dolls provide a sense of security and comfort, which can be critical for people dealing with anxiety. The feeling of the doll's touch and presence, together with the familiar actions such as breathing and soothing lighting, help calm the nervous system and release hormones such as serotonin and dopamine, which positively affect the mood and help reduce anxiety (Amerisleep).
Treatment of unwanted sleep behaviors
For children and adults alike, breathing dolls can be used as a tool to deal with unwanted sleep behaviors, such as fear of the dark or problems falling asleep. Using dolls as part of the sleep routine can help lower resistance to sleep and aid in a smoother transition to sleep (Mother & Baby).
Transitional objects and emotional support
Breathing dolls can be used as transitional objects, providing a sense of comfort and security during difficult or stressful times. For older people, the dolls can be used as emotional support and help deal with loneliness or periods of high stress (Amerisleep).
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