Benefits of breathing dolls for sleep, stress and anxiety

Benefits of breathing dolls for sleep, stress and anxiety

Breathing dolls, such as those offered by i-found, offer a variety of benefits that may help reduce insomnia, stress and anxiety. These dolls provide sensory stimulation and relaxation through simulated breathing, which can instill a sense of calm and peace.
Reducing stress and anxiety
Breathing dolls include breathing functions that simulate calm breathing, which can help calm the nervous system. Breathing exercises such as Coherent Breathing or Paced Breathing encourage the body to enter a state of deep relaxation, which reduces cortisol levels (the stress hormone) and improves mood. Studies show that breathing exercises can lower stress levels and increase positive emotions (Sleep Foundation) (Verywell Mind).
improving the quality of sleep
One of the common methods is the 4-7-8 breathing technique, which helps relieve insomnia by creating a relaxing breathing process. In this process, you inhale for four seconds, hold your breath for seven seconds, and then exhale for eight seconds. This practice makes it easier to fall asleep and improves the quality of sleep by lowering the heartbeat and reducing mental stress (Rise Science).
emotional support
Breathing dolls also provide emotional support by creating a sense of comforting presence. They can be used as a tool for emotional support for children and adults alike, providing a sense of security and comfort.
Sensory stimulation and mindfulness
The use of these dolls may also encourage the practice of mindfulness, where the user focuses on the physical sensations of touching the doll and the sensation of simulated breathing. It helps reduce the distracted mind and increases self-awareness (DHW Blog).
The use of breathing dolls offers a unique way to deal with stress, anxiety and insomnia. The simulated functions of breathing and the calming presence of the doll can contribute to improving mental well-being. Incorporating breathing dolls into your daily routine or as a thoughtful gift has the potential to bring about positive change in your life.
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