Researching the benefits of therapeutic dolls for health

Researching the benefits of therapeutic dolls for health

Researching the benefits of therapeutic dolls for mental health in adults
Therapeutic dolls are becoming an effective tool for adults as well, especially when used in the treatment of anxiety, dementia and improving social skills. Recent studies show that playing with dolls can contribute to improving the mental health of adults by encouraging social behaviors, developing empathy and reducing symptoms of anxiety and depression.
Treatment of anxiety and dementia
Therapeutic dolls, such as baby or animal dolls, have been found to be helpful in treating adults with dementia. Studies show that these dolls can provide a sense of comfort and security, and help reduce symptoms such as aggression, insomnia and obsessive behaviors. In addition, they can reduce the use of medication by providing direct emotional support (Dementia UK).
Developing empathy and social skills
Studies also show that playing with dolls can help develop social skills and empathy in adults. This is especially important for people who experience loneliness or social difficulties, such as older adults or people with neurological conditions. Playing with dolls allows adults to practice social interactions and develop their emotional skills (PsyPost - Psychology News).
Reducing anxiety and improving quality of life
The use of therapeutic dolls can also help reduce anxiety and improve the overall quality of life. These dolls provide sensory stimulation and emotional support, which can calm and reduce anxiety levels. This is especially helpful for people dealing with chronic stress or other mental health issues (Verywell Family).
Therapeutic dolls offer significant benefits for adults as well, including reducing symptoms of dementia, developing social skills and reducing anxiety. The use of these dolls can be part of an overall treatment plan for mental health, and help adults improve their quality of life.
For more information about the benefits of therapeutic dolls and their use, you can refer to the following articles:
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